Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Use environment variable in DOS

I've found this very helpful when using DOS a lot. I had to navigate to C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins\net.rim.eide.componentpack4.3.0_4.3.0.8\components\bin\ in dos a lot which was a headache so when using the command prompt I have created an environment variable to do it quicker.

To do this:

  • Right click, properties on My Computer

  • Advanced tab then Environment Variables

  • I created a new User Variable (top box) named BBEclipse. Set the path (variable value) to C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins\net.rim.eide.componentpack4.3.0_4.3.0.8\components\bin

  • Now in command prompt you can use cd “%BBEclipse%” to navigate to that folder.
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