Thursday, 18 September 2008

Report Viewer in .Net App

Weekly Interest Topic
Report Viewer in .Net App
Date Created/Revised
July 2006
Owner: Martin Dearie
Why did you look into this?

I am currently developing an application that requires a report to be run within the main process flow of the application.
Using a link to a report in Report Manager would take the user outside of the control of the application, this is not acceptable in this application and another solution must be found.

Since we have moved to Crystal I had to find a way to integrate this type of report into my application.

What did you find out?

Once in Visual Studio from the Toolbox, open the Crystal Reports node to locate the CrystalReportViewer control.

Drag the CrystalReportViewer control onto the Web Form. The “CrystalReportViewer Tasks” Smart Task panel opens.

On the upper-right corner of the CrystalReportViewer control, click the small triangular button.

Click the Choose Report Source list and select .

The Create ReportSource dialog box opens.

Click the Specify a report for the CrystalReportSource control list and select

Click Ok

Where did you find this out?

This information was taken from the Crystal Reports For Visual Studio 2005 .pdf

Other information

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